So what does a mild manner doll salesman do when he gets home? If you guessed that I get dressed up and run out to save the day, guess again. Like most of my fellow students, I get to eat dinner with the kids and give them a bath before I disappear. My wife, Elastigirl is great! She has pretty much been raising the family on her own and I really think that is only possible if you are a superhero.
Before school, kids, work, and life - Bethany and I met through a mutual friend at the White horse tavern down the street from BU. We lived in Boston and the suburbs before moving to New Hampshire. We enjoy the outdoors, mostly easy hikes, jogs and bike rides. The Beach is a necessity as well. Thankfully both our sons love the water, at least so far.
Dash is only 9 months but he already has a great personality. He likes to be tickled, hung up-side-down (don't tell Bethany I said that) and he already eats meat!
I brought Stone to his first Hockey game a couple of weeks ago thanks to tickets from his Uncle Jon. UNH vs BU. BU lost but looked good. However, this has lead to an obsession with skating and I know what will be doing with my free time this winter.